
Lean Construction Ireland Annual Book of Cases 2021 f 2 l

LCi Course Portfolio Development

are planning to implement lean construction in their workplace through the Last Planner,problem solving and process improvement initiatives. Several LCiYellow Belt trainers are currently going through the nomination and evaluation process and will be registered to deliver this training before the end of 2022. Upon completion, participants will be able to: • Monitor and manage performance and highlight constraints. • Apply the basics of Last Planner System (LPS). • Lead Gemba walks and process improvement in the workplace. • Engage in frontline problem-solving teams using scientific method and the basic set of problem-solving and root cause analysis tools. • Provide high-integrity data for any issue that is escalated. Green Belt The LCi Green Belt is a five-day course,which develops the problem solving and process improvement skills of the participant to a high level. It builds on theYellow Belt content and is aimed at those who are interested in leading continuous improvement and lean initiatives. LCi plan to make this course available to learners in 2023, once the evaluation process for training providers has been established.Upon completion, participants will be able to: • Lead and manage overall process performance and improvements through LPS and Lessons Learning. • Lead the implementation and sustaining of process improvement in the broader work area/site. • Apply systems thinking and right first time in customer and supplier relations. • Lead cross-functional process improvement teams that encompass multiple processes and stakeholders. • Conduct lessons learned sessions and deliver A3 improvement initiatives on complex problems. • Coach and mentor Yellow Belt Continuous Improvement (CI) initiatives. LCi Course Portfolio Engagement with Industry andTraining Providers LCi Yellow Belt Pilot at Coffey In order to test the LCiYellow Belt Course content, the course was piloted at Coffey in collaboration with Niall Tuite of LBS Partners. Coffey is a Civil Engineering, Environmental and Building contracting group of companies.As part of the Coffey Strategy Sessions in 2021, Coffey have placed the customer as one of their core values and have also developed a Lean Continuous Improvement Policy.Training is an important element in the implementation of the Coffey Lean Strategy. Initially the Coffey Managing Director and several senior staff completed Lean Green Belt Training with LBS Partners and completed several A3 continuous improvement projects on each of their sites. As well as running a few Lean Sessions with an external consultant through Enterprise Ireland, it was decided thatYellow Belt training was to be introduced to strengthen the capability of their staff. LCi agreed that Coffey and LBS could trial the new LCi Yellow Belt. On completion of the inaugural LCi Yellow Belt training, an online

Introduction Course Content Development

Lean Construction Ireland (LCi) Strategy 2020-2022 encompassed three core pillars; Clients, Contractual Processes, and Capability Development, which were key components of LCi’s Path to 2020 strategic plan.The creation of a suite of corporate training courses in Lean Construction was identified as integral to the Capability Development pillar. As part of its strategy for capability development, LCi secured funding from the ICBE Advanced Productivity Skillnet to develop course portfolio training material in Lean Construction, applicable at various levels in organisations.The primary focus was onYellow Belt and Green Belt Course Content Development and to undertake the recalibration of the previous LCi Lean Pass Course into the LCi White Belt Course. In order to progress the content development of these new programmes, a taskforce was set up for the yellow and green belts through a collaborative approach between academics, trainers as well as a number of large companies which provided feedback in its content. Subject Matter Experts such as Glenn Ballard provided input and feedback and endorsed the courses.

Figure 1: LCi Course Portfolio LCi have now created a conventional belt structure, which consists of LCiWhite,Yellow and Green Belt as follows: LCiWhite Belt The LCi White Belt Course is a half day course that provides an introduction and appreciation for lean construction and is aimed at all staff at all levels.The LCiWhite belt is a direct replacement for the LCi Lean Pass and is currently available from registered LCiTrainers. Upon completion, participants will be able to: • Understand the benefits of Lean in Construction. • Describe the differences betweenValue andWaste. • Understand and reduce/remove the 8Types ofWaste. • Provide examples of ProductiveWork andWaste. • Provide examples and suggestions on how to improve their own working environment using 5S methodology. • Understand the“BusinessWhy” and the“IndividualWhy”of Lean. LCi Yellow Belt The LCi Yellow Belt is a two-day course targeting those who


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